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ESCAPER 97 NANO Ride Free / All Mountain

The Rossignol Escaper 97 Nano skis are the perfect alchemy between lightness and freeride performance. These touring skis are for sale and rent in La Grave at the Snowlegend store. The pair of skis with Plum Pica bindings weighs 3.16kg!© Rossignol
The Escaper 97 Nano skis are the perfect alchemy between lightness and freeride performance. The pair of skis with bindings weighs 3.16kg!
What a pleasure to have great ski touring equipment: skins, Rossignol Escaper skis, telescopic poles... You can rent all this equipment in perfect condition in La Grave at the Snowlegend chalet: freeride guide and ski touring rental. Hey! let's go for the climb in the Oisans massif and in the peaceful atmosphere of the high mountains.© Rossignol
Putting on the skins. Hey! let’s go for the climb in the peaceful atmosphere of the Oisans massif.
Starting from 3200m (arrival of the second section of the cable car of the glaciers of La Meije), Leeloo et Didi with the Rossignol Escaper 97 nano ski touring on the glacier to reach the brèche des Pans de Rideaux or the col de la Girose From these departures you can reach La Grave by different freeride itineraries with a vertical drop of more than 2000m. It is highly recommended to use Snowlegend guides for more security.© Rossignol
Leeloo & Didi with Rossignol Escaper 97 nano ski touring on La Girose glacier in La Grave La Meije

- The Escaper range are fabulous touring skis for men and women. The new Escaper 97 Nano is synonymous with the perfect alchemy of lightness and downhill performance. Its high-end construction opens new horizons for downhill touring enthusiasts. A ski that will make climbing a real pleasure! The ideal touring ski for the freeride area of La Grave - La Meije, the Oisans massif and the Ecrins with the Snowlegend guides who love this ski!
- some technical characteristics for 1m77 : weight 2kg6 the pair, sidecut 126-97-116, paulownia wood core, nano basalt reinforcements, nano titanal...
- The rental of Rossignol touring skis is possible at the Snowlegend chalet! Think of renting by booking online! So you will appreciate the lightness, the comfort in any snow and the incredible precision in the turns.
- The touring pack includes skis + Plum Pika bindings with stop-ski + cut skins + knives.

Pack Prix Public Snowlegend
Skis Escaper 97 790€ 670€
Rando Touring 1550€ 1240€
location Rental 45€ 40€


  code poesie : ecreatures